Elena Beurdeley Natural Health Profile

Healthy Life starts with a Healthy Body & a Healthy Mind


If you suffer from Chronic Stress, Digestive or Menstrual imbalances and wish to explore Natural Health Solutions, you are in the right place.

As a Natural Health Practitioner, I empower you with essential Self-Knowledge and offer Natural Therapies such as Nutritional Guidance, Ayurveda Massage Therapies and Herbal Remedies to address the root cause of your imbalance.

6 years living in Asia exposed me to the wonders of Traditional Asian Medicine. A life long of chronic digestive and gynecological imbalances motivated me to study and practice Ayurveda, Yoga & Meditation. Adapting my diet and lifestyle, eliminated most symptoms and taught me how to prevent imbalances.

Today, there’s nothing I enjoy more than empowering young men & women with this remarkable wisdom, so they too can recover their health & contribute to the health of the next generations.


Supervision & Accreditations

Committed to ongoing learning I collaborate with :

My Commitment

enable self healing.

Often, physical and mental imbalances are a call of the heart to reconnect with ourselves and straighten our path. An opportunity to hear and trust our inner guide or intuitive doctor that knows the way to optimal balance of the body & mind.



As we get to know ourselves and trust ourselves, we start feeling better. The Love we give ourselves, we receive back. We feel content and full. Eventually, happy to share our overflow of Love with others and Mother Nature.


“A healthy body is the key to a peaceful mind. A peaceful mind, the key to a joyful life.”

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