How to Identify Your Constitution : Recognising Vata Body Type and Characteristics

How to Identify Your Constitution : Recognising Vata Body Type and Characteristics This video explains how you can recognise your unique body-mind constitution. It gives an example of how a vata predominent constitution will manifest psychologically, physically, emotionally and through various vata type symtoms.
Unveiling Your Pitta Constitution: Characteristics and Traits

Unveiling Your Pitta Constitution: Characteristics and Traits This video helps you recognise whether your predominent dosha (ayurvedic energetical make up) is Pitta (fire-water elements predominent). It gives an example of how a pitta predominent constitution will manifest psychologically, physically, emotionally and through various pitta type symptoms.
Unveiling Your Kapha Constitution: Characteristics and Traits

Unveiling Your Kapha Constitution: Characteristics and Traits ✨ This video helps you recognise whether your predominent dosha (ayurvedic energetical make up) is Kapha (earth – water elements predominent). It gives an example of how a kapha predominent constitution will manifest psychologically, physically, emotionally and through various kapha type symptoms.