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ayurveda massage oils
Ayurvedic massage therapies and treatments make use of a variety of base and medicated oils carefully selected on the basis of the individual bodily constitution and the nature of the imbalance.

Majority of our Ayurveda Massage Therapies such as abhyanga, vasti, marma mardana fall under Snehana which means oleation therapy.

The root of this word is “sneha” which means oil and also love or tenderness !

The aim of snehana is to lubricate the body. This can be done internally or externally. Doing so, helps in expelling “ama” which are the bodily toxins located in the various tissues and organs of the body. Oleation therapy helps re-open the srotas – or bodily channels – and helps regulate the mouvement of vata – air/space bodily energy – and allow it to move freely.

The main functions of vata are elimination, downward mouvement, conception, tissue creation, breathing, nervous system, control of mental activities, hearing, growth of foetus.


Now here are some of the 100% natural plant-based oils we use in our Ayurveda treatments and therapies and their benefits.

  • Base Ayurvedic Massage oils include:

coconut oil (cooling – pitta balancing), mustard oil (heating – kapha balancing), sesame oil (tridoshic – best for vata balancing), olive oil, ghee (cooling – vata-pitta balancing), almond oil etc.

  • Ayurveda plant-based medicated oils  :

Mahanaraya Thailam

– For general massage or inflammation where there is redness or swelling.
All vata conditions – nervous system disorders eg. Motor neuron disorder, ME, MS, Parkinsons, tremors, paralysis, cramps, abdominal diseases (trapped wind, pain, bloating, constipation), back pain, sciatica.

Pinda Thailam

– Inflammatory conditions where there is redness, swelling, heat. For rheumatoid arthritis (apply only, do not massage), hot flashes, menopause (whole body massage), psoriasis, inflammatory skin conditions (pitta type eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis), piles, fistula, skin disorders, burning sensation, itching & gout

Kumari Thailam

– Migraine, headaches, boils or pimples on the head, hair loss, skin inflammation, scalp irritation or scalp psoriasis, insomnia.

Sharshapadi Thailam

– For pain relief. Avoid use for inflammatory conditions. Pain relief for nerve or muscle pain, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis (but not rheumatoid arthritis). Good for obesity & water retention

Ashwaganda Thailam

– Muscular atrophy, nervous system disorders (to increase nerve circulation), male impotence, erectile dysfunction (apply to affected area). Rejuvenates skin texture / skin tone / muscle tone. Energiser. Use for asthma, cough, and shortness of breath, weight loss, anorexia.

Neelyadi Thailam

– Use for hair loss & dry scalp. Women gynecological imbalances.

Lakshadi Thailam

– Used for fever and body aches. Promotes bones and joint strength. Relieves muscle and joint pains. Pitta and Kapha balancing.

Kapooradi Thailam

– Vata balancing. Relieves muscle cramps, general body ache and stiffness, joint pain, neck pain, the stiffness of joints, and chest congestion. Fibromyalgia. Analgesic. Anti-neuralgic. Anti-inflammatory

Frequently asked questions :

What oil is used in Ayurvedic massage ?

Depending on your constitution the Ayurveda therapist may use sesame oil (for vata dosha), mustard oil (for kapha dosha) or coconut oil (for pitta dosha) as a base oil. Then medicated oils will be used according to the individual medical condition.

Which massage oil to use for joint pain relief ?

In Ayurveda some oils recommended for joint pain relief are Sarshapadi Thailam, Dhanwantharam thailam and Pinda thailam




Useful links to purchase those oils :

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