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A simple yoga practice for joint flexibility.

This practice works nicely in the mornings to gently and slowly wake up the body.
Go at your pace, follow your breath, listen to your body, stay connected with the sensations.
Never enter into pain.
Smile and Enjoy!

Please note this is a general joint mouvement practice – that was prepared for healthy patient, who have been guided individually through this practice before.

It may is not suitable to all body types and conditions. Please consider your body type and personal condition before practicing yoga.

If you present any symptoms or pains in your joints or in your body generally or simply wish to have a personalised practice, please get in touch with your yoga teacher / ayurveda practitioner and/or allopathic doctor for a personalised treatment and guided practice.


Find here a sequence of postures to relax mind and body


Video music credit @gaieasanskrit 

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