A week of deep healing and nurturing ourselves back to perfect energy and balance through daily practice of yoga, both dynamic and restorative, and Ayurvedic healing treatments based on our needs and body type. With delicious local fresh ayurvedic meals for the most nurturing experience of deep rest and total HEALTH RENEWAL.

Retreat Program Description
Our system needs deep re-newal from time to time, only we hardly give ourselves the time. Our potential for energy, creativity, and well-being is limitless. Yet, our daily stress and self-imposed limitations are constricting this natural flow of energy.
This retreat will give you the rare opportunity to enjoy the benefits of Yoga, and Ayurveda Healing Treatments by expert teachers and professionals, who are there to offer you guidance, support, and the luxury of being pampered and nurtured all the way to optimum health and energetic re-newal.
Join Vivi and Elena in this healing journey that will restore your system’s natural balance and renew your spirit’s love for life.
A few words about Abhaya Yoga
You will be practicing Abhaya Yoga, both dynamic and restorative sessions with Vivi Letsou.
Abhaya Yoga is a method combining dynamic Hatha Yoga movement, Meditation, and a practical Life Stance. It was created by Vivi Letsou, and inspired by the mudra that signifies Abhaya–NO FEAR. Read more on Abhaya practice here….
A few words about Ayurveda Healing
Ayurveda teaches us the way to live healthy and in harmony with nature. Ayurveda is a sophisticated and comprehensive holistic health care system that originated in India some 5,000 years ago. It works with both the body and mind promoting self knowledge in order to live free of dis-ease.
Ayurveda exists for those desirous to live a long and healthy life, which is according to the traditional Ayurvedic texts the means for achieving the purpose of life that is : dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth) and sukha (happiness).

We will review your current state of health and aim to identify the nature and origin of the imbalance through discussion about your current symptoms and physical condition, past medical history as well as an in-depth review of current diet and lifestyle. The Ayurvedic health diagnosis may also include pulse diagnosis and tongue observation. One the diagnosis has been establish, the practitioner will be able to recommend an individualised diet and lifestyle balancing programme. Home remedies preparation may be recommended as well as specific Ayurvedic massage therapies. During your stay you will receive massage treatments to help relax your mind and heal your body. You will also be given the keys to understanding how Ayurveda works and how to apply Ayurvedic principles simply at home.
Daily Activities & Offerings
Energizing Yoga with morning Dynamic, and evening Restorative, Therapeutic Sessions. Meditation & Healing Yoga Nidra (deep rest)
Delicious, nurturing meals with fresh produce, and ALIVE energy, prepared and served with the Ayurvedic principles for ideal nourishment and digestion.
Ayurvedic Nutrition & lifestyle Consultant
Ayurvedic Massage Therapist
First Consultation
The first health consultation is a complete body-mind health diagnosis. The practitioner identifies the patient’s unique body-mind constitution (dosha), the nature and root cause of the imbalance. Diet and lifestyle advices are given and occasionally natural Ayurvedic products and therapies may be recommended to improve elimination of toxic waste accumulated in the body.
Follow-up/Departure Consultation
A follow up health consultation aims to adjust the diet, lifestyle and Ayurvedic therapies recommendations in order to maintain the overall balance. This consultation is also the occasion for the patient to voice any emotional concerns. This process known as mindful counselling, can have very positive effects on overall health and wellbeing.

The aim of Ayurvedic massage therapy is to detoxify, rejuvenate and balance the mind and body. Following an Ayurvedic consultation, the therapist uses specific medicated oils, massage techniques and treatments suited to the patient’s condition. Treatments may include abhyanga oil massage, padabhyanga, mukhabyanga, marma point therapy, udvartana, pinda sweda herbal poultice and other topical medicated herbal paste applications.
Traditional Ayurveda herbal oil massage using specific ayurvedic techniques on the body and head with warmed medicated oil. The purpose of abhyanga is to lubricate and cleanse the body. applying oils can aid in balancing all three doshas. Abhyanga helps prevents ageing, nourishes, induce good sleep, enhances blood circulation, improves complexion and relaxes mind.
A few words about Teachers/Facilitators
Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts, Director of NYSY Studios, Co-founder of Zen Rocks, and Avocado Vegetarian Café, Certified Teacher Yoga Alliance 500 hours, Certified Teacher BASIPilates™, Creator of Abhaya Yoga
Vivi is a strong and charismatic Yoga Teacher and Teachers’ Educator. Through her journey of teaching Yoga, practicing Zen, making films in California for 20 years, and then building the vibrant NYSY Academy for Yoga & Pilates and co-founding the well-loved Avocado Vegetarian Café in Athens, she has been able to find a way of Yoga practice that makes us strong in all levels and helps us to triumph even amidst difficult challenges.
Having taught in the traditions of Ashtanga, Anusara, and Vinyasa Yoga, Vivi has created Abhaya Yoga—a style that combines dynamic alignment-based asana, with an empowering philosophy rooted in Tantra and on the Buddhist path of compassion for all beings. With passion and enthusiasm, Vivi shares this incredible Abhaya Yoga journey with friends who are ready. Zen Rocks is the culmination of Vivi and Eraj’s vision to create an environment that fosters growth, healing, community, and positive life shifts. She invites friends and students to enjoy their stay at Zen Rocks and embark on their unique journey of deep healing and personal transformation.

When you are ready for POSITIVE CHANGE,
your life will CHANGE POSITIVELY!
A few words about Teachers/Facilitators
Elena, is a certified Ayurveda nutrition and lifestyle practitioner, massage therapist and yoga instructor. She studied Ayurveda and Yoga to heal her own hormonal and digestive imbalances after having spent 12 years working internationally – including 5 years in Asia – for large hospitality groups. What she gained was not only improved health, but also a new sense of freedom and inner peace. She then chose to make it a life priority to share those practices with those who wish to improve their health and make peace with their body and mind.
Elena studied Ayurvedic Herbal Medecine, Diet & Nutrition and Massage Therapies under the supervision Dr Deepika Rodrigo (Principle physician and Director of the Ayurvedic Clinic, principle lecturer and Director of the Ayurveda Institute UK and Director of the Association of Ayurvedic Professionals UK) and Dr Wathsala Wijesinghe (B.A.M.S, MSC, M.D.). She studied Sanskrit and practice sound therapy with Gabrielle Burnel (Gaiea Sanskrit). She is a registered Yoga Alliance International Yoga Teacher.
She leads retreats in Greece, animates workshops in Europe and offers one-on-one consultation and massage therapy using her personal experience and knowledge of Asian medicinal and spiritual tradition. She is also part of the Rosenberg Ayurveda Health & Retreat Centreteam, in Germany.

€1.200 Double Room
€1.600 Single Room
Daily Yoga classes & meditation (where applicable)
Τwo delicious vegetarian meals a day (brunch and dinner) and morning tea
All yoga equipment and accessories
Biodegradable toiletries
Includes Consultation, Lectures, Daily Treatments.