What are the causes of pitta imbalance? This articles aims to give you some understanding of the causes of pitta imbalance so you can learn to better manage a pitta constitution or pitta imbalance.
To understand the causes of pitta imbalance you must first understand what pitta dosha is and be able to recognise the sign and symptoms of pitta imbalance. We recommend that you first read the what is pitta dosha article, followed by the what are the signs and symptoms of pitta imbalance article.
The Ayurvedic rule is simple. It is said in Ayurveda that:
“Like increase like, and opposites decrease each other”
That means that any foods, behaviours or environment that has similar qualities as Pitta dosha will increase Pitta dosha, and opposite qualities will decrease it. Click here for a reminder of the qualities of pitta dosha.
If we consider foods which increase pitta dosha:
What foods cause pitta imbalance ?
- Excess use of sour, salty and pungent taste.
- Foods which are very oily, fermented, hot and very dry.
- Foods which are stimulating or acidic.
- Excessive consumption of red meat and oily fish
- Excessive consumption of raw salads, nuts & seeds
- Alcoholic drinks, vinegar and processed sauces
- Most dairy products
- Consuming incompatible foods together

If we consider behavioural or environmental factors that increase pitta dosha:
- Environments, activities or people which are loud, stimulating, competitive.
- Environments which are hot and dry. Long exposure to the sun.
- People and environments which are hyperactive and highly judgemental.
- Eating before previous meal has been digested or when feeling angry
- Lack of sleep or daytime sleep

So the secret to stay in balance is to avoid aggravating factors an apply the rules of opposites. You can read in the following article how to balance pitta dosha.
Elena Beurdeley-Kuerten
Ayurvedic Consultant – DipALN, DipAMT (Ayurveda)
The Ayurveda Centre – Athens