Processed yeast used in most bakery and supermarket breads tends to to make bread rise faster than traditional sourdough process, but causes digestion problems and is heating for the body causing bloating, gas, inflammation in the digestive tract and overall aggravating pitta.
Alternatives to processed yeast bread are sourdough bread – which uses natural fermentation process – or using bicarbonate soda.
Below is the simplest yeast-free soda bread recipe, which is compatible with your pitta reducing ayurvedic diet. This yeast free soda bread recipe has only 3 main ingredients! It takes 10 minutes to prepare and 20 minutes or so to bake. Prepare it before breakfast and enjoy it warm with home made jam and butter, or an egg. Or use it as a side with vegetable soups or Ayurvedic dips.
Below is the yeast free bread recipe or you can watch Jamie Oliver’s full video to watch how to make it in practice!
- 1 tin can plain flour + 1 tin can whole grain flour. Or use your favourite flour!
- 1 tin can buttermilk or a mix of plain yogurt and milk.
- 2 Teaspoon of baking soda (bicarbonate of soda)
- 1 teaspoon honey or sugar
- Pinch of salt
- Optional add-ons: oats, raisins, sesame or pumpkin seeds, oregano, cinnamon or whatever add-ons you wish.
- Pre-heat oven at 200c
- Mix flour and dry ingredients first. Add buttermilk mixing slowly. Keep the dough moist enough but not overly wet or sticky.
- Knead the bread lightly
- Create a round shape
- Place the bread on a baking tray with a little flour underneath
- You can add a little olive oil and sprinkle some oats on top for decoration
- With a knife draw a deep cross
- Bake for 20 minutes or more depending on your oven heat and size of the bread.
- Check that it is crispy outside, and dry beneath. Also check that when you tap underneath it, it sounds hollow.
- It’s ready to enjoy!
Jamie Oliver’s Yeast free bread (Soda bread)