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In Ayurveda, beetroots are known to cleanse the blood, naturally laxative and once cooked are a cooling addition to our diet.

This cleansing beetroot salad, can be enjoyed by pitta and vata constitution and is not recommended for kapha condition or constitutions, due to its heavy and sweet nature.

Those with delicate digestion (manda/vishama agni) may add a little bit of cumin or extra pepper.

Those with hot & sharp digestion (tikskhna agni) in particular experiencing loose stools, should avoid beetroot salad.

Pitta can enjoy this salad with a source of lean protein and a salad such as boiled green salad. Vata constitutions if they have a good digestion can enjoy this salad with a little fresh cheese (although not at night), rice and boiled greens. Or if smaller appetite/weaker digestion with a dahl, cooked greens and yeast free bread.



  • 4-6 beetroots without the leafs (you can keep them and serve them separately as a boiled salad)
  • Himalayan salt – a pinch
  • Parsley – a bunch
  • Pepper
  • Lime (or lemon)
  • Olive oil
  • Water


  • Rinse the beetroots thoroughly until there is no earth remaining
  • Boil or steam the beetroots with the skin on, until they just become tender. You should be able to easily pierce them with a fork.
  • Let them to cool down in their own juice
  • Strain, then remove the skin.
  • Cut in small square pieces
  • Pour over olive oil, and a squeeze of lime (pitta constitution easy on the lime, please).
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Mix thoroughly.
  • Decorate your cleansing beetroot salad with parsley and enjoy fresh with your favourite meal!

Bon appétit !


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