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Cooling ayurvedic remedy coriander seeds

Coriander seed is used in Ayurveda for its many benefits which help improve digestion, purify blood & urinary tract, reduce bodily inflammation and balance the three doshas. Known as Coriandrum Sativum in latin and Vitnnakain in sanskrit, coriander is native to the Mediterranean and grows extensively in India. Coriander seeds and leafs have been used for their medicinal and culinary properties by the Egyptians, the Romans and the Greeks. So why not add this wonderful spice to our kitchen !

In Ayurveda, coriander seeds are used in cooking, herbal supplements, prepared as infusion or decoction. You can discover a cooling summer coriander seed infusion recipe here or try the coriander & ginger tea for cold & flu symptom relief & prevention.


Taste (rasa) : sweet (madhura), astringent (kashaya), bitter (tikta), katu (pungent)
Qualities (guna) : light (laghu), unctuous (snigdha)
Potency (virya): hot (ushna)
Post digestive effect (vipaka): sweet (madhura)
Effect on Dosha: Balances all the three Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha)
Action (karma): Coriander relives thirst. It is used in fevers, loss of appetite and indigestion.


There are many health benefits associated with coriander seeds. Depending on the dosage and method of preparation the effect will vary. This is why it is best to first consult an Ayurvedic practitioner and go through a holistic health diagnosis.

In general, coriander seeds are known to/as:

  1. quenche thirst
  2. pacify internal and external burning sensations
  3. nervine/ brain tonic
  4. balances the digestive fire and elimination of accumulated toxins
  5. channel clearing
  6. liver stimulating
  7. removing bad odours from body
  8. subside worm infestations
  9. good for heart
  10. diuretic, restore natural color of urine, disinfects bladder 
  11. fever reducing
  12. relieving coldness of body
  13. removes swellings
  14. pain killer
  15. good for eyes
  16. good for all skin disorders
  17. blood purifying
  18. cooling


For optimal therapeutic use of coriander seeds, we recommend that you consult a certified Ayurvedic practitioner.


Elena Beurdeley
Ayurvedic Nutrition & Lifestyle Consultant
BA (Hons), DipPrac (Ayur), DipALN (Ayur), DipAMT (Ayur) – Certified Hatha Yoga Instructor – Traditional Thai Yoga Massage 

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