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breakfast ayurvedic porridge, ayurveda Athens, ayurvedic massage, nutrition

A balancing and moisturising porridge with spices, dried fruits and nuts

This Ayurvedic porridge recipe is light, easily digestible and nourishes all tissues. It supports body detoxification of the body and contributes to a healthy skin.
Please consult your ayurvedic practitioner for spcific detox programme guidelines – nuts, seeds, sweeteners and some spices may not be recommended.


  • 1/2 cup basmati rice (rice flakes or quinoa can also be used according to body-mind constitution)
  • 4 cups filtered water
  • 3 tbsp coconut cream mixed with 1 glass warm water (or 2 glasses coconut or coconut & almond milk or almond milk)
  • 1/4 tsp rock salt
  • Toppings : Spices, dried fruits (organic, pre-soaked in warm water or unsulfured), seeds & nuts (pre-soaked or toasted) / according to taste and constitution or your ayurvedic nutritionist recommendation:


  • Rince and soak half cup of white basmati rice in water for 30min. 
  • Strain, pour into a pot and add 4 cups of water. Once it comes to the boil, cook on low heat with the lid on for 12-15 minutes until fully cooked and a mushy.  
  • Take it off the heat and add coconut milk and salt. 
  • Stir the Ayurvedic porridge well and return to the heat for 3 minutes. 
  • Adjust the seasoning of your breakfast porridge according to your constitution, the season or your ayurvedic practitioner recommendation. Adding any combination of Ayurvedic spices such as grated nutmeg, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, raw cacao, ginger, fruits (a few raisins, chopped dates, a little maple syrup or honey, cooked apples) and almonds, hazelnuts or a few linseeds.
  • Leave to cool a few minutes
  • Enjoy this delicious and healthy Ayurvedic porridge. Bon appétit !
This Ayurvedic recipe is suitable to all constitutions.
Kapha constitutions can reduce the sweet seasoning, and amount of cream/milk.
Pitta can go easier on heating spices.
Vata constitutions can enjoy freely warming spices, soaked dates will be beneficial as well as soaked almonds.

Basmati rice is cooling, light and easier to digest according to Ayurveda. It is sattvic and balances all three constitution. Unlike sea salt, rock salt has pacifying properties for all constitutions and is cooling in nature.

To receive dietary and lifestyle advice suited to your constitution and your medical condition, it is preferable that you consult a qualified Ayurvedic physician or practitioner.



Elena Beurdeley
Ayurvedic Consultant – DipALN, DipAMT (Ayurveda)
The Ayurveda Centre – Athens | Glyfada

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